Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Andrew's first New York Ranger game!

I am a lifelong Ranger fan and the reason is because of my Uncle Rich, who I remember from a very young age sitting and watching games with him and him telling me who all of the players are and explaining the game to me. We went to numerous games together when I lived in N.Y, including and overtime playoff victory over the Devlis on their way to the Stanley Cup in 1994.
So, when Andrew was born, I told Uncle Rich that we had to go together to take Andrew to his first game with him. While we were in New York, we finally made it happen and it was even better because my Aunt Kathy and Elizabeth also got to go to the game at Madison Square Garden.
WARNING: There are a lot of pictures! Enjoy!

Uncle Rich explains details of the train station to Andrew.

Andrew would have gone anywhere in the world that night as long as we took a train there. He kept talking about taking the train home before we even made it to the Garden.

Uncle Rich, Aunt Kathy, Elizabeth and Andrew walking through Penn Station.

Andrew had the best smile as he walked into the Garden for the first time.

Uncle Rich and Andrew take a stroll around the Garden.

Andrew enjoyed the mirrors above him in the concourse, although it made for some rough walking!

Hiding from the camera with dad!

There's nothing like a little Ice Cream to keep a three-year-old in their seat.

Aside from the train, seeing the Zamboni was Andrew's favorite part of the night. Here he is waving to the driver in between periods.


And Andrew liked that too!

On our way back to our seats, they scored again!

Uncle Rich was very generous and thoughtful. Not only did he pay for our seats, but he bought Andrew his first Rangers hat. Andrew never likes to wear hats, but he loved this one!

Andrew made a friend named Riley on the train ride home, who was ticking him until they got off at their stop. Oh, by the way, the Rangers won 5-2. We all had a blast!!!! I can't wait for Nolan's first game!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Nassau County Firefighter Museum

We took the kids to the Firefighters Museum and the Cradle of Aviation Museum while we were in New York. Here's a bit of what we saw.

Grandpa hangs on to Andrew as he checks out some of the mini fire trucks on display.

Mom helps Andrew out from a fire truck.

Stop, drop and roll! Grandpa tries his best to escape the smoke!

Do you think Nolan enjoyed the spaceship?

Andrew was pretty mesmerized by the model airplanes.

Grandma orders her in flight meal from Flight Attendant Andrew at the Cradle of Aviation Museum.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Readin' in Roslyn

No quote of the day today from Andrew. He was quite grumpy.

Andrew and Nolan (especially Nolan) get a big kick out of Grandma reading Handy Manny while hanging out in New York. Stay tuned for our trips to the New York Aquarium, The Firefighters Museum and Andrew's first New York Rangers game!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Steelers vs. Redskins- Landover, MD

We made a pit stop in Washington D.C so I could shoot the Steelers-Redskins Monday Night Football game at FedEx Field. I apologize, there aren't any photographs of Andrew or Nolan in this post, they were at the hotel with Elizabeth while I went to the game (Do I not have the best wife in the world?)

Here is a collection of images from behind the scenes at the game.

Hines Ward and Max Starks exit the locker room for the opening kickoff.

Ben Roethlisberger is watched closely by the Redskins band as he makes his way to the field.

Crazy Redskins fans! Boy is he going to be dissapointed at the end of the night!

Even Barack Obama was at the game! Only hours before the election, too!

A Steeler fan in the front row is told (not so nicely) to sit down or get thrown out of the stadium.

Steelers Linebacker James Farrior signals his approval to the crowd after stopping the Redskins from scoring late in the Fourth Quarter. (Sidenote- Farrior's Grandparents live right here in Evansville, Indiana.)

Hines Ward, Nate Washington and Byron Leftwich have some fun with a heavily intoxicated Redskins fan near the end of the game.

Steelers Head Coach Mike Tomlin acknowledges the 30,000 Steelers fans that invaded Fed Ex Field for Pittsburgh's 26-7 victory.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

On the road again...

Nolan hides from the cameras while blocking his face with a box of Cheerios from the hotel.

Quote of the Day
Overheard while watching the Browns-Bills game on Monday Night/

"Holy Moly" Andrew yelled, as he watched the Browns Jerome Harrison run for a 72 yard touchdown.

"You have GOT to be kidding me", moments later as the Bills Leodis McKelvin ran back the kickoff 98 yards for a touchdown.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Athens Part III

Me and Andrew in front of my high end (ha ha)efficiency apartment when I was at O.U. It looks a little different (actually better!), but it is still a dump.

Andrew admires his slice at Goodfella's Pizza.

A kiss from Andrew to Nolan.

Mommy encourages Nolan to take a few steps towards her.

The reason why I gained about 15 pounds at school- The Mile High Mint Chocolate Chip Pie at The Court Street Diner.

The happy family in front of Court Street. And we are now off to Washington D.C. and then New York!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

BREAKING NEWS!!! Nolan is walking!

He took hs first steps while we were visiting Ohio University at the beginning of our trip. He is picking up the pace and is about to bust out and start. He has gotten up to six or seven steps at a time.
Look out world, here comes Nolan!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Family portrait (sort of!)

We took our own family portrait on the College Green in Athens, Ohio last week while visiting our Alma Mater, Ohio University, on our way to New York. We will be updating all of the fun from the trip over the next week so stay tuned!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

We're baaaaack!

We had a blogging hiatus for a little over a week while we were in Athens, Ohio, Washington D.C., New York and Cleveland (and we're a little tired) but we are back up and running and ready to start blogging daily. Stay tuned for images from our trip.
This is a photograph Elizabeth took of Andrew yesterday at the Nature Preserve in Cleveland.

Andrew's quote of the day- "Hey Nolan, stick a sock in it!", as heard from the backseat somewhere outside of Louisville, Kentucky as his younger brother was crying his eyes out.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

So sorry for the lack of posts!

We've been traveling and traveling and blogging has not been convenient, but we will begin updating the blog daily starting today, thanks for your patience!