Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Andrew's first New York Ranger game!

I am a lifelong Ranger fan and the reason is because of my Uncle Rich, who I remember from a very young age sitting and watching games with him and him telling me who all of the players are and explaining the game to me. We went to numerous games together when I lived in N.Y, including and overtime playoff victory over the Devlis on their way to the Stanley Cup in 1994.
So, when Andrew was born, I told Uncle Rich that we had to go together to take Andrew to his first game with him. While we were in New York, we finally made it happen and it was even better because my Aunt Kathy and Elizabeth also got to go to the game at Madison Square Garden.
WARNING: There are a lot of pictures! Enjoy!

Uncle Rich explains details of the train station to Andrew.

Andrew would have gone anywhere in the world that night as long as we took a train there. He kept talking about taking the train home before we even made it to the Garden.

Uncle Rich, Aunt Kathy, Elizabeth and Andrew walking through Penn Station.

Andrew had the best smile as he walked into the Garden for the first time.

Uncle Rich and Andrew take a stroll around the Garden.

Andrew enjoyed the mirrors above him in the concourse, although it made for some rough walking!

Hiding from the camera with dad!

There's nothing like a little Ice Cream to keep a three-year-old in their seat.

Aside from the train, seeing the Zamboni was Andrew's favorite part of the night. Here he is waving to the driver in between periods.


And Andrew liked that too!

On our way back to our seats, they scored again!

Uncle Rich was very generous and thoughtful. Not only did he pay for our seats, but he bought Andrew his first Rangers hat. Andrew never likes to wear hats, but he loved this one!

Andrew made a friend named Riley on the train ride home, who was ticking him until they got off at their stop. Oh, by the way, the Rangers won 5-2. We all had a blast!!!! I can't wait for Nolan's first game!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nether can we -
Aunt Kay - Uncle Rich