Monday, April 6, 2009

Chattanooga Choo Choo!!

On our way back from Florida we stopped in Chattanooga, Tennesseee to see the world famous train. We learned later, unfortunately, that the actual Chattanooga Choo Choo is housed in a different part of the city adjacent to a Holiday Inn!??!? I guess you can sleep in rooms that are actually part of the train.

Anyway. This was the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum, and the kids LOVED it!

No, there is nothing wrong with his face. he was just smooshing it against the glass.

About the only way I can get Nolan to stop crying was to toss him up and down.

Andrew was pretty much mesmerized during the entire ride.

Cheezin for the camera.

How cute is HE!!

Nolan held onto his new train for the rest of the trip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was going to comment on the pictures I was in but these train pics are great! Looks like Andrew really enjoyed it and Nolan, well he looks adorable. The picture with the both of them between trains is tac sharp! I'm glad you guys are home and posting pictures.