Monday, February 15, 2010

The Final Countdown...

So we pick up at The Space's late, we're tired, it's really dark (and our pictures are pretty crappy) but we're chugging along...waiting...

Andrew takes a picture of me and Uncle Steve as we wait in line to get in...11 p.m. and everything on schedule.

Dad and Andrew check out the inside of a space shuttle on exhibit....pretty cool...12:30 a.m...still going, four hours to liftoff!

Inside the Rocket Garden, it could have been called the Rocket Gravyard, but either way, it was sweet.

In near darkness, Elizabeth and Andrew walk across the bridge that took Neil Armstrong and his crew to their capsule and eventually to the moon...AWESOME!

Inside the capsule, we had not idea how tight it was in there. It's hard to imagine what those astronauts were going through at liftoff in that position. We're getting close, just a few short hours away...

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