Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I'm going to DisneyWorld!

Luck seemed to be going our way now. We woke up ready to tackle the crazy land of Disney. Being that the Super Bowl was the night before, we had hopes of catching a glimpse of the "I'm Going To DisneyWorld" Parade in honor of Super Bowl MVP Drew Brees. We accepted that it wasn't going to happen when we slept in after a really, really good night of sleep.

So when we entered Magic Kingdom, we heard an anticipatory excitement that we weren't expecting. Viewing all of the Saints fans, just yards away from us, hanging on the fences trying to get a good look at something, we realized in an instant that the parade was about to come right by us!
We ran up and squeezed through and as we looked up, there was the Super Bowl MVP blowing kisses in our direction! What an awesome moment!!

Now we are not celebrity worshippers by any means. I've photographed Brees a few times while he was with the Chargers and the Saints, but there was something about this that was super cool (no pun intended!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super super cool! So great to see these again... Miss you guys, cant wait to see you on the way back!!